Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Art This Week- Jan. 26-27

Just a reminder for you this week:

Bring with you to class
- Pencil, eraser, sharpener
- ARN #5- A poster sharing a message of how you and others can help change the world. An issue going on in the world, Iraq, Duhok, or CSM.
- Folder with photocopied picture, and drawing paper with 3 inch grid on it

I REALLY want to give you a :) tomorrow! SO please come to class prepared!

Let's not act like *Gangstas* during class!   

Or be *goof-balls*

But instead....  Like ONE, BIG, HAPPY FAMILY!

Sorry these are WAY blurry, and a few people are cut out on the side. Sorry! Next time we need to SQUEEZE together! Love you guys! :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Spread the Word!

Hey Class-
Spread the word.... It's Mr. Andy's Birthday tomorrow! 
If you can.... make him a card telling him how much you appreciate him!

Seriously, he's awesome so let him know it :)

Facebook/call your friends if you get this!

See you Wed. or maybe tomorrow ;)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

Great job 7th Grade students you made it through half the year :)  It was a fun but fast first half of the year. Now we have a NEW START. Don't you like new starts? You have a chance to think back on what you did well and also how you can improve.  I hope you all took time to do that over break. Between eating chips and watching TV :)

As you already know, all your teachers have a few goals for you during the month of January.
1. Come to class everyday prepared with the right supplies.
2. Keep the room clean.

For Art this means:
Coming to class EVERY Wednesday and Thursday with a pencil, eraser, sharpener (with collector), ARN, and a folder.
Art can be messy sometimes, and we don't have a room that makes clean-up easy (clay for example... you remember, right?) So if we are going to do a "messy" project we need to all work together and be respectful of the school's property, and each other.

So here's to a NEW year! Let's make it a great one!
